kedebaran smakin traser.. 3 hari lg.. nk story ckit.smalam mak ak ajak gi uitm ader battle of the band.sound nice. sefamili pi citu. as usual sbg 'ank kakitangan la', mak ak duk kt atasla.x sdap gok.orng tgk ak mcm student doh,klu sesapre yng tak kenal ak apela yang diorang kter.just forget about it. ni bkn story yng ak nk ckp,ni bru nk start ni. mser awal2 pogrem mmg bad la. ape taknyer mle2 dh ade technical problem.lmbtla jwbnyer. pahtu seorang dri pengadil kt atas yng duk smer2 dgn kitorang pn pegi kt stage la tgk aper poblemnyer actually. mak ak ckp yang pengadil2 tu ader artis. tp ak tak knl tp ak rser yng pi stage td.
so insane bru ak rser cmner pegi konsert. contestant yang pertama ak just dgr muzik jer sore dh tenggelam..
kire cam xbest la.,sbb im the person yng sker feel the hyati guaner nyer,sore pn xdgr.x best la... yng 2nd pn gitu gok.. but everything was change bile 3rd cotestant. yng tu mmg best la... lgu penasaran and sweet child of mine. ak rser tu la yng terbaek yng len ak rser bese je..lps sumer contestant hbis perform, now its time artis undangan perform plak. jeng3!!
grey sky morning. OMG!! ak duk kt atas jgak padahal. bkn ak nk ckp diorang x pemes,tp ak ni memang.. band Hujan pun ak knl Noh sorang jer and pemain keyboard dier je pdhal ak minat dgn lgu2 diorang. nk mintak autograf ckp aper plak nnti.yela,td duk kt atas orr xnk kisah pun.BTW, best gakla lgu2 diorang ea ecspecially pancaroba and cinta gila.(actually xtau pun diorang sing these songs,he..he..) since ak dgn angah ak dh lmer dri td plan nk pi toilet kitorang blik sblm hbis poblem. the conclusion is x know who's the winner is. he..he..
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