Monday, February 7, 2011

appreciate them

actually ak bru prasan yang slamer ni ayah mmg take care kat anak2 dier(including me) mser ak borak2 ksong, dgn angah ak, dier ckp ayah dh buat mcm2 kt kiter tp we dont realise it until he go to dubai,we felt something missin.he already help us to fill borang2,tnyer psl sekolah,always check bilik ank dare brsih ke tak walopun kami xsker n slalu jer suh kami berkmpul ramai2 bler sumer ader kt umah. taht thing make we realise that he really imporatant to us. so to all,appreciate the people that we always doesnt like they mumbled about something that we dont like or made the decission that we dont like.they know what to do cos they love us. skarang pun ak try untk listened to my parent,accepted what they decided to me and be more matured another time. sumer orng thu restu parent pnting untk khidupan kter. so cuber2 la hrgai org2  ni...

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